Sound and Light Project: Mostar Sevdah Reunion (BH) + Aleksandar Rajaković (Slo)
Turn up the lights!
A promotional event at the start of a project called Sound and Light – training in event engeneering and a public call for those individuals belonging to target groups to participate in the training.
The project is meant for those who wish to acquire skills in operating sound and light or become stage technicians at cultural events. The main target groups are disabled persons and members of national communities, defined in Declaration on the situation of the national communities of the former SFRY nations in Slovenia): Albanians, Bosnians, Montenegrins, Croats, Macedonians and Serbians.
A yearly training is going to start in September 2013 at Menza pri koritu.
The above mentioned event is going to be led by the actor Aleksandar Rajaković and spiced up by the performance of a Balkan blues band called Mostah Sevdah Reunion. The aim of the event is to promote the project among potential candidates and to get them to sign up.
Mostar Sevdah Reunion presents Tales from the Forgotten Town, their great and innovative new album. Bosnia’s greatest musical export, the band that continues to evolve and change throughout a career spanning 14 years and eight albums, now comes with something entirely different: a world music concept album, stronger – an unusual musical suite.
“Sing what you know”, goes an old musicians’ proverb. And that is exactly what they have done – by choosing only the songs written in and about their native city of Mostar. Coming from a relatively small city in a small country, this could be seen as limiting – it is anything but: it reveals the rich, long, and mysterious tradition of songs unique to Mostar. The sounds of summer nights when a lone owl would call out in incredibly precise intervals, confirming the serenity of the night. The crickets chirping during the daytime in Mostar’s (in) famous heat, the Neretva river’s murmur, the whir of water from the fountains, or just the wind. And yet, every time, the perennial melancholy, and moments of intense nostalgia. With this album, Dragi Sestic, the producer and the mastermind behind the project and the band has tried to convey the spirit and the sound of a hedonistic Mostar, a city with an unbearable lightness of living, a city of humour and southern-style languor, a city of great poets, writers, painters and other artists, a city rich with history. One that can be left to the younger generations so that they can fall back on that and reconstruct the romantic Mostar in their imagination.
The freshness of sound is incredible, thanks to the changes in line-up recently undergone by the band. A few young musicians, full of hunger and with an impressive command of their instruments and voices, have taken the place of some of the more senior members, and have thereby pumped new blood into the band.
By bursting into the light, they bring the energy for a much-needed revival, both musically and in an even broader sense, by evoking the best of a past through beautiful songs. Many listeners are familiar already with the ache and passion of those songs, but now they will hear them played and sung like never before, with a singular delicacy and refinement that makes this album a love song; a dedication to beautiful and troubled Mostar. Their no longer forgotten town.
Aleksandar Rajaković lives and works in Ljubljana and its surroundings. He’s best known for his role in a comedy called Čefurji raus!
Free entry. However, you have to book tickets at Click register, type in your name and e-mail address and write the number of tickets you wish to book (the limit is 2 tickets per person).
The project is financed with the help of the Operational Programme for Development of Human Resources for the period 2007-2013., development priorities, equal opportunities and social inclusion, priorities, promotion of the employability of vulnerable social groups in the cultural sphere.