Jooklo Duo
Virginia Genta (saxophones) and David Vanzan (drums) have been bringing their intense and mesmerizing music all over the world since 2003 (about five-hundred concerts in Europe, USA and Russia) and captivating any kind of audience. The duo’s work is a totally personal research that has been described as the most powerful expression in “free music” nowadays, transcending every kind of definition and going straight to the source of energy
Sinergia Elettronica: is the new psychedelic beast born from the collaboration between Jooklo Duo and Umwurf (the electronic department of Metabolismus). Analog electro-acoustic dreams. Feat.: Virginia Genta – David Vanzan – Moritz Finkbeiner – Thilo Kuhn – Werner Notzel – Thomas Schatzl.
Admission: 5 €.
Organized by: Kud Mreža and Menza pri koritu.
Koncert iz cikla Džez pri koritu sofinancirata Ministrstvo RS za kulturo in MOL – Oddelek za kulturo.