Swedish duo Mire Kay, which comprises of Emelie Molin on cello and Victoria Skoglund on guitar, will perform in Ljubljana for the very first time. Since 2002, Emelie and Victoria have been playing music together, starting in the band Audrey, which gained a larger fandom with their last album The Fierce and the Longing (2008). Mire Kay’s music resembles Audrey’s melancholic and Swedish pop melodies, but at the same time it is more minimalistic and folksier. Their music comprises of simplicity, sadness, charm and reverie. Emelie described their debut album A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats, which was released this year, with the following words: »The theme of the record is hard to say. But I think a lot of the songs have one thing in common, and that is a dark undertone, with hope somewhere to be found in the middle of it all. Love and loss played a significant role in the storytelling«. What makes their music so convincingly beautiful is the inviting mixture of melancholy and reverie, interplayed with the ethereal melodies of guitar, cello and soft-spoken, ballad-like vocals. Mire Kay embodies a soundscape of Swedish rainy autumn, where the listener is beamed into a warm log cabin with a fireplace and a window view of lush and high treetops of Swedish woods.
Fortress (2011) [EP]
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats (2013) [LP]
Admission: 6 €; joint admission for the concert + IGLU improv performance: 8 €.
Organisation: Red Dawns (rdecezore.org) + Menza pri koritu.