Jasmina Husanović (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
How to reconnect feminist and anticapitalist critique?
Lecture and workshop
Husanović’s critique of gender mainstreaming suggests ways to resist the neoliberal appropriation of feminist politics by embracing new theories of social emancipation without sacrificing the struggle for recognition. In her words, it is important to reconnect feminism with the critique of capitalism, because a large part of feminism abandoned class-based analysis, embraced culturalization, and bridled our dreams about feminist emancipation for the benefit of capitalist accumulation. Through identity politics, it dispersed the feminist idea of equality, and began to advertise different fashion styles and lifestyles, all of which have decentralised our labour power.
Lilijana Burcar (Slovenia)
From an orchestrated destruction of socialism back to capitalist barbarism: imposition of regressive socio-economic status for women
Lecture and workshop
Neocolonial re-imposition of capitalism has resulted in a massive scaling back of basic socio-economic rights, which affects women differently from men, as it rests on the processes of re-patriarchalization. This is a direct result of the transfer of the costs and responsibility for social and biological reproduction of the current and future generations of labour force from capital owners to women. As a result, women are pushed back into the isolation of their homes, casting them into the role of unpaid reproductive workers and economic dependents or semi-dependents, who in their newly cast role of unpaid, roundo-clock reproductive workers come to be perceived as merely secondary earners and a huge reserve army of labour confined mostly to the informal or semiinformal sector. The re-instalment of capitalist social relations thus abdicates on the socialist idea of gender equality and naturalization of conservative gender constructs.
The lecture will be followed by a workshop, where we will exchange our knowledge, experience, and try to find possible actions to take in the field of feminist politics.
Jasmina Husanović teaches cultural studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Tuzla. Her research field and interests include cultural studies, political philosophy, social theory and emancipatory practices in the field of arts, cultural production and knowledge production. She has published numerous scientific papers in national and international journals. She participates in various national and international research and activist projects and in numerous institutions in the field of knowledge production.
Lilijana Burcar is an associate professor at the Faculty of Arts (University of Ljubljana) where she teaches literature in the context of its sociopolitical ramifications. Her research interests include systemic feminist theory, anticapitalism, neocolonial studies and social justice with focus on contemporary literatures and critical literacy.
Organisation: Red Dawns.
In collaboration with: Menza pri koritu.
Supported by: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.