As a special 2013 addition to other activities, Red Dawns are organizing a very important meeting, “Platform for Gender Cultural Practices”: Meeting of the Feminist and Queer Initiatives from the Post-Yugoslav Space. In 2006, Red Dawns organized the initial meeting which was followed up much later, in 2012, by two meetings: in Zagreb (organized by VoxFeminae festival) and in Belgrade (organized by cultural association ACT Women). Red Dawns want to support this renewed interest in networking and cooperation as it is vital for our continuous work.
A round table discussion will include a short presentation of each initiative and Platform for Gender Cultural Practices.
Participating initiatives:
VoxFeminae (Croatia), Libela (Croatia), Kontra / L-Fest (Croatia), (Croatia), PitchWise (Bosnia and Herzegovina), CRVENA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), BeFem (Serbia), NLO (Serbia), FemiNiš (Serbia), ACT Women (Serbia), Red Dawns (Slovenia), Lesbian-Feminist University (Slovenia), City of Women (Slovenia), ŠKUC-LL (Slovenia), MINA (Slovenia).
Open to the public.
Produced by:
City of Women
Organisation: Red Dawns
In collaboration with: Menza pri koritu.